How to deal with another lockdown as HSP?

1 min readDec 21, 2021

How do you keep going, as a highly sensitive person, in yet another corona lockdown?

We have been dealing with this major challenge for almost two years now. You may notice that many people are getting frustrated and depressed. As HSP, we are sensitive to other people’s moods and emotions, aren’t we?

Another lockdown, stuck at home, again. Combining home education for your children with meetings for work, again. Not being able to go to the gym. Not meeting friends for a drink, etc.. Everyone has their own list of things that are now not possible.

We can become discouraged.
We can get angry.
We can feel defeated.
We can be sad.

It’s all understandable, of course. Let’s not be hard on ourselves about what we feel or about how we should feel..

But dance!

There’s play in dancing. There’s fun.

It is movement
but not running away from something.
It is movement
but not towards a certain goal.

It’s freedom

Move with the rhythm, with the flow.
Give it your own twists and turns.

YOU choose!

How you move and to which kind of music.
How long and where.

And that’s what will help us get through this. Again.
I believe.




HSP, intuitive, empath. Loves tulips, shortbread & tea, beach walks, nature.